The ACL interference screw, a linchpin in orthopedic interventions, takes center stage in the realm of ligament reconstruction. Surgeons wield this essential tool to anchor grafts securely during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) procedures, ensuring the restoration of stability and function. This blog delves into the nuances of ACL interference screws, exploring their varied types and indispensable uses.

The Fundamental Role

At the crux of orthopedic interventions lies the fundamental role of the ACL interference screw, a linchpin in the intricate process of ligament reconstruction. Its primary responsibility is to secure grafts firmly in place during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) procedures. By doing so, the interference screw plays a critical part in restoring stability to the affected ligament, setting the foundation for successful rehabilitation and the eventual return to optimal joint function.

The fundamental role can be likened to that of an anchor, as the interference screw ensures that the graft, typically a tendon or ligament, becomes seamlessly integrated with the patient’s bone. This integration is imperative for the graft to heal, strengthen, and ultimately function as a resilient and stable part of the joint.

Types of ACL Interference Screw

ACL interference screws come in diverse types, each with distinct characteristics tailored to meet specific surgical and patient needs. The two primary categories are titanium screws and bioabsorbable screws.

ACL Interference Screw

A. Interference Screw (Titanium):

Titanium interference screws are widely utilized in Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction due to their exceptional strength, durability, and biocompatibility. These screws provide robust fixation, ensuring the graft remains securely in place over the long term. The inherent stability offered by titanium makes it a preferred choice, especially in cases where enduring support is crucial for successful ligament reconstruction.

Features of Titanium Screws

  1. Robust Strength: Titanium’s inherent strength makes it an excellent choice for interference screws. The robust nature of titanium ensures secure graft fixation, providing the stability required for successful ligament reconstruction. This strength is particularly crucial during the early stages of postoperative rehabilitation when the graft is integrating with the bone.
  2. Biocompatibility: Titanium interference screws exhibit high biocompatibility, meaning they interact well with the body’s tissues. This property minimizes the risk of adverse reactions or rejection, contributing to the overall success of the surgical procedure. Biocompatibility is a key consideration in orthopedic applications to promote proper healing and minimize complications.
  3. Radiopacity: Unlike bioabsorbable or polymer-based screws, titanium interference screws are radiopaque, meaning they are visible on X-rays and other imaging studies. This feature facilitates postoperative assessments, allowing surgeons to monitor the graft’s integration and overall stability without interference from imaging artifacts.
  4. Durability and Longevity: Titanium’s durability ensures the longevity of interference screws. The material’s resistance to corrosion and wear makes it a reliable choice for long-term graft fixation. This durability contributes to the overall success of ligament reconstruction by providing sustained support during the critical phases of healing.
  5. Ease of Removal: In scenarios where removal may be necessary, such as in revision surgeries or due to patient-specific factors, titanium interference screws offer ease of extraction. This is advantageous for surgeons, as it simplifies the revision process and minimizes potential trauma to surrounding tissues.

B. Interference Screw (PEEK):

The Interference Screw made of polyether ether ketone (PEEK) stands as a notable innovation in orthopedic surgery, particularly in the realm of ligament reconstruction. PEEK is a high-performance polymer that exhibits exceptional biocompatibility and biomechanical properties, making it an increasingly popular choice for interference screws.

Features of PEEK Screws

  1. Biocompatibility: PEEK interference screws are renowned for their excellent biocompatibility. This means that they interact harmoniously with the body’s tissues, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions. This property is crucial in orthopedic applications, where the implant’s compatibility with surrounding tissues significantly influences the success of ligament reconstruction.
  2. Radiolucency: An inherent advantage of PEEK interference screws is their radiolucency. Unlike metal screws, PEEK screws do not create imaging artifacts during diagnostic procedures such as X-rays or CT scans. This allows for clear visualization of the surgical site, facilitating postoperative assessments without interference from the implant material.
  3. Mechanical Properties: PEEK’s mechanical properties closely mimic those of natural bone, making it an ideal material for interference screws. Its high strength and stiffness provide robust support for graft fixation. Additionally, PEEK’s resistance to wear and fatigue ensures the longevity of the implant, contributing to the overall stability of the reconstructed ligament.
  4. Reduction of Stress Shielding: Stress shielding, a phenomenon where the implant absorbs too much load, potentially leading to bone resorption, is a concern in orthopedic surgeries. PEEK’s modulus of elasticity is closer to that of bone compared to traditional metallic implants, potentially reducing stress shielding and promoting more natural load transmission to the bone.
  5. Revision Surgery Considerations: PEEK interference screws offer an advantage in revision surgeries. Unlike metallic screws that may pose challenges during removal, PEEK screws can be easily extracted, minimizing trauma to the surrounding tissues and simplifying the revision process.

Interference Screws by Zealmax Ortho

Experience unparalleled precision with Zealmax Ortho’s ACL Interference Screws. Crafted with precision, the Titanium variant offers optimal fixation, ensuring enduring stability for superior healing in ACL procedures. Engineered for robust strength and biocompatibility, the Titanium screw delivers secure compression, aligning with Zealmax Ortho’s commitment to excellence in orthopedic solutions. 

Simultaneously, Zealmax Ortho’s PEEK ACL Interference Screw introduces a new era of precision in ligament reconstruction. Made from high-performance polyether ether ketone (PEEK), it combines exceptional biomechanical properties with radiolucency for clear imaging. This PEEK screw, while exhibiting durability and mimicking natural bone mechanics, emphasizes ease of removal for streamlined revision surgeries. Trust in Zealmax Ortho’s dedication to setting unparalleled standards in surgical excellence, offering a choice between Titanium and PEEK screws for personalized and top-tier orthopedic solutions.

Uses of Interference Screws

Graft Fixation: The primary use of interference screws is to secure grafts firmly in place during ligament reconstruction surgeries. They provide mechanical stability, preventing excessive movement and facilitating the integration of the graft with the surrounding bone.

Promotion of Compression: Interference screws are designed to generate compression forces at the graft site. This compression is vital for promoting the biological healing process, ensuring proper contact between the graft and the bone, and facilitating optimal tissue integration.

Stability Enhancement: By anchoring the graft securely, interference screws contribute to the overall stability of the reconstructed ligament. This stability is crucial for successful rehabilitation, minimizing the risk of postoperative complications and supporting the patient’s return to normal joint function.

Minimization of Graft Slippage: Interference screws play a key role in preventing graft slippage. Their design and insertion technique help to minimize the risk of the graft moving or shifting, providing a secure foundation for the healing process.

Load Distribution: These screws aid in the effective distribution of mechanical loads across the graft and the bone. This feature is essential for maintaining the integrity of the reconstruction and preventing stress concentrations that could lead to complications or failure.


Within the domain of orthopedic implants, Zealmax Ortho emerges as a pinnacle of excellence. Our Interference Screws epitomize ingenuity and a patient-centric approach, elevating comfort and mobility through personalized design, minimally invasive methodologies, heightened range of motion, and prolonged durability. Dedicated to meeting varied requirements, we confidently take the forefront as the premier option for comprehensive orthopedic.

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