From the Director’s Desk… 

Going to a healthcare expo on a global level is always an exciting journey. It allows engaging with an array of individuals who share a similar passion. These individuals, just like me, take an active interest in reshaping the future of modern healthcare, particularly by promoting innovation and excellence in their respective fields. 

We recently came back from our three-day MedExpo journey, and it was an event worth remembering. MedExpo Kenya 2024 was nothing less than a global hub for healthcare professionals where people came together, discussed business, and tried their best to turn these partnerships into enduring business deals for the future. 

While we talk about business partnerships and engagement, let’s not forget that expos are never just limited to the same. We don’t just engage in conversations for conversions and partnerships, we engage to “understand” the other side. By understanding what the current market desires and how the primary people involved in this market chain are facing problems, we can try to bring forth a change that embraces positivity.

Our recent set of engagements at MedExpo 2024 brought to light many loopholes in the orthopedic market chain. The African market resides in a backdrop that is prone to change, and in this backdrop of change, the intersection of healthcare advancements and shifting medical paradigms plays a significant role in the decision-making of the stakeholders. 

The people who visited our booth included distributors, surgeons, medical representatives, hospital owners, and medical professionals from various corners of the world. However, a large chunk of this number included professionals from the African market itself, and therefore a lot of problems that they face in their daily business lives came to the surface. 

Think of it this way: if you are a distributor, surgeon, or hospital owner, what will be your primary focus when buying implants internationally? What will be the driving force behind your decision to purchase? Quality, quantity, price, or after-sales support? 

After engaging in more than a hundred meetings and discussions with our booth visitors and trying to understand the problems from their core perspective, it is clear that the African market struggles with multiple problems in the field of orthopedic care. 

A set of three problems was uncovered that surgeons and distributors face daily while doing business. Let’s take a look at them below: 

High Pricing 

The international market believes in price affordability over everything else. Often, the price that manufacturers provide is more than what the distributors/surgeons can afford. This leads them to let go of a deal due to pricing negotiations with the manufacturers. Many of them believed that access to proper healthcare is a human right and high pricing is an imminent hindrance to this access. So, in this case, shouldn’t they look for manufacturers who uphold the values of accessible healthcare overall and export orthopedic implants at an affordable range? 

Late Delivery 

The orthopedic supply chain market is a chain, a chain that has an end-customer to feed. The end customers in this chain are always patients and if they remain dissatisfied, the chain becomes a purposeless activity. Since international exports of orthopedic implants often take time to get delivered, the operation time gets delayed, and patients remain dissatisfied. So, in this case, shouldn’t they look for manufacturers who deliver on time and have every regulatory document ready?

Lack of Support 

Distributors often face problems with the quality of implants. Many times, the quality they desire is not delivered to them and manufacturers turn a blind eye to their concerns after the sales are done. So, in this case, shouldn’t they look for manufacturers who make it a point to take feedback after the implants are delivered and provide dedicated after-sales support? 

The problem lies in the fact that most of the time, orthopedic dealerships come off as mere businesses. But is that the right way to look at it? Definitely not! 

Therefore, the need of the hour is to find a solution—a solution that aligns with the interests of the distributors and surgeons in the market and allows them to get into business deals quicker and faster. 

Since my expertise intersects between leadership and business ethics, I understand the market is hungry for a change and I am here to give you the desired change. 

Zealmax Ortho: On a Mission to Bring a Change

Challenges in the African Orthopedic Market: Who’s Solving it?When we started Zealmax Ortho in 2006,. We wanted to build a company that empowers human movements throughout the world. For any leader who foresees a market ruled by trust and transparency, sales as an entity of business come later. In any business that one deals with, the primary approach is establishing trust and providing a new perspective to the global audience. Therefore, establishing a trustworthy and transparent market for affirmative orthopedic trade is important.  

With my experience ranging across 15+ years in the field of orthopedic leadership, Zealmax Ortho is here with a newer perspective and even newer solutions for you that can bring forth a change in the market. 

Affordable Pricing  

Like I said before, my priority is to make affordable and high-quality orthopedic care accessible to everyone in the world. We understand that people from different sectors of the world have different affordability structures and diverse buying capacities. Henceforth, we offer market-aligned prices which differ according to region specifications and order capacities. 

Prompt Delivery 

When we export orthopedic implants, the staggering problem in the process is custom clearance. Customs take time to clear, starting from the customs clearance source to the customs clearance destination. We understand the anxiety that distributors go through when placing their trust in international manufacturers. What if the implants go through a problem while exporting and don’t reach us on time? Therefore, to bring distributors out of this anxiety, we have a solution. We keep our documentation of customs clearances ready and a lack of regulatory compliance from our end will never be a hindrance in shipping the orders and getting them delivered on time. 

Dedicated After-Sales Support 

As a business, we believe in getting feedback because the valuable feedback from our clients drives us a step closer to excellence. Our dedicated international sales team acts as a single point of contact for the business in hand, from the time you buy the implants to the time of delivery. We offer dedicated after-sales support, ready to help distributors with any struggles they are facing and also take the feedback they have in store for us. 

The healthcare sector is a magnum of change, witnessing growth with each passing day. While expansion and growth are important, the growth should enable the primary stakeholders involved in the sector, namely distributors and surgeons. Furthermore, this growth happens in a way that facilitates patients and aims to make their lives better. The clock is set and the market is hungry for change. 

And Zealmax Ortho is here to bring in and be the change. 

While we value sales, nothing matters more to us than client satisfaction. As a company, we wish to make our client’s lives easy by delivering them “excellence” and make them settle for nothing less. 


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